😂 😯 😝

A young lad was with his grandfather in the garden, when they spotted a worm emerge from its burrow and begin to crawl across the ground. The old man turned to the kid and said:
“I’ll give you a pound if you can put that worm back into its burrow.”

The lad tried, but could not manage the task. Then he took the worm indoors, returning a moment later with it as stiff as a pencil, and proceeded to put the worm back whence it had originated. The old man, amazed at this, handed over a pound then asked the boy how he had accomplished the seemingly impossible task.

“Simple”, said the boy, “I just sprayed the worm with my sister’s hair spray.”

The next day, the old man gave the boy five pounds. The lad asked why, since he had already received a pound for his ingenuity.
“Oh”, said his grandad, “that’s from your grandmother.”.